How Can One Hour in a Float Tank Change Your Life?

Imagine stepping into a space where the world's noise fades away and a serene calm envelops you. This is not a distant dream but a reachable reality right here in OKC. Float therapy, a revolutionary approach to wellness and relaxation, promises an escape from the stresses of daily life. Offering a unique blend of tranquility and health benefits, float therapy in OKC stands as a beacon for those seeking a profound sense of calm and rejuvenation.

The Spectrum of Benefits Offered by Float Therapy

Boost Your Mental Clarity and Emotional Health

Float therapy is one of the finest ways of rejuvenation and mental clarity, bolstering health and well-being. It acts as a powerful antidote to stress, creating a conducive environment for meditation and self-enhancement.

  • Diminishing cortical activity paves the way for a significant reduction in stress hormone levels.

  • The profound state of relaxation one achieves triggers a surge in the release of endorphins and dopamine.

  • By stripping away external noise, it fosters a conducive setting for deeper meditative practices.

Physical Relief and Recovery

The act of floating effortlessly counters fatigue and propels individuals into a state of flow, enhancing sleep quality, accelerating the body's recuperative capabilities, boosting athletic output, and reigniting motivation.

  • It orchestrates a decrease in blood pressure and makes circulation better, facilitating a more efficient recovery post-injury or post-exercise.

  • Minimizing lactic acid buildup, it effectively combats muscle soreness.

  • The near absence of gravity in the floatation tank alleviates strain on the back, feet, and joints, offering profound relief.

Sparking Creativity and Problem Solving

Float therapy lays the groundwork for a surge in creative insights, augmented problem-solving skills, sharpened focus, an expanded state of consciousness, and expedited learning processes.

  • Entering and sustaining a Theta brain-wave state kindles the flames of creativity.

  • Detachment from external distractions allows the mind to tackle problems with enhanced acuity.

  • Enhanced visualization capabilities are instrumental in attaining and maintaining the 'flow state,' marked by immersive engagement and heightened productivity.

The Roots of Float Therapy

In 1953, John C. Lilly embarked on a pioneering journey into neurophysiology as part of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Officers Corps. The following year, driven by a quest to study the brain in an environment free from external stimuli, Lilly innovated the first-ever isolation tank at the National Institute of Mental Health. This invention was a quiet, darkened tank filled with warm saline water, designed to suspend individuals in a state of sensory isolation for extended periods. Lilly, alongside a fellow researcher, initially experimented on themselves, diving into this novel research method. What initially emerged under the guise of perceptual isolation or sensory deprivation soon transformed into what is now recognized as the Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique (R.E.S.T.).

This technique, along with terms like isolation tanks, chamber REST, and relaxation therapy, encapsulates the essence of float therapy. Float therapy, known for its tranquil and meditative qualities, offers brief escapes into sensory deprivation, yielding a multitude of therapeutic benefits. Individuals turn to this form of relaxation for various reasons, seeking solace and improvement in areas such as anger management, anxiety relief, cardiac health, and depression mitigation. Moreover, it serves purposes in general well-being, headache alleviation, blood pressure regulation, hypnosis preparation, immune system enhancement, insomnia treatment, pain management, psychological relaxation, stress reduction, addiction recovery, nightmare disorder management, PTSD, ADHD, and ADD support.

Float therapy stands out as a serene method to engage the mind and body in profound relaxation and healing, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness across a broad spectrum of physical and mental health concerns.

How to Get Ready for a Float Therapy Session?

For a fulfilling float therapy experience, consider these concise tips:

Pre-Float Meal: Eat lightly 30 minutes before to avoid hunger distractions.

Caffeine: Skip it on the day of your float for deeper relaxation.

Shaving: Avoid doing so a day before to prevent skin irritation from the salt.

Hair and Tattoos: Wait a week after dyeing hair or getting tattoos to ensure both your comfort and the preservation of the float tank environment.

Menstrual Cycle: Please reschedule your session for personal comfort and hygiene.

Preparation Video: Watch a brief introductory video upon arrival or online beforehand for a smoother experience.

Showering: Mandatory before and after floating to keep the tank clean and to wash off salt.

Clothing: Float nude to avoid contaminating the water, but swimsuits are allowed if preferred.

Post-Float Essentials: Bring a brush or comb, conditioner (for after floating), and body lotion to use after your final shower.

Following these guidelines ensures a serene and beneficial float therapy session.

Addressing Claustrophobia Before a Float?

If the thought of a confined space makes you hesitant, rest assured that float therapy puts you in complete command of the environment. Tailor your session to your comfort level—leave the pod open, or adjust the ambient lighting and sound to create a soothing atmosphere that eases any fears.

What Ensures the Cleanliness of Float Therapy Water?

Adherence to the highest standards is paramount in maintaining the purity and safety of the water in float therapy tanks. Every session begins and ends with a thorough inspection of the floatation device.

A sophisticated system with a high-grade filter and UV light sanitizes water, removing impurities up to 1 micron effectively. The addition of food-grade hydrogen peroxide and the natural antiseptic properties of the high salt concentration work together to maintain a pristine environment.

Is Float Therapy Safe During Pregnancy?

For those expecting, float therapy can be a source of tremendous relief, easing the strain on your body and muscles. However, it’s wise to get your doctor's nod, particularly in the early stages of pregnancy, to ensure it’s a safe option for you.

Should Appointments for Float Therapy Be Scheduled in Advance?

Planning your visit in advance is recommended to guarantee your spot, though there might be flexibility for spontaneous appointments. An easy-to-use online reservation system makes scheduling your sessions straightforward.

What to Do About Salt Water in the Ears?

In case salt water finds its way into your ears, a simple remedy is at hand. Applying a few drops of distilled white vinegar (not apple cider vinegar) can effectively dissolve any residual salt, offering a quick and easy solution.

Your Journey to Serenity Begins Here

Dive into a world of calm and restoration with Metro Family Therapy. Offering premier float therapy in OKC, we invite you to experience the profound benefits of sensory deprivation. Whether you're seeking relief from physical discomfort or mental stress or simply wish to unlock deeper levels of creativity, our state-of-the-art facilities are your gateway to well-being. With us, tranquility isn't just a promise—it's a practice. Ready to transform your health and peace of mind? Book your float therapy session today and step into a serene oasis tailored just for you.

**Disclaimer: Content posted here is not intended as medical advice and constitutes no patient relationship or medical treatment.